Call for Abstracts
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Submission Deadline: October 8, 2024

The D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies invites graduate students within the Newberry Consortium for American Indian and Indigenous Studies (NCAIS) to submit proposals for individual papers in any academic field relating to American Indian and Indigenous Studies.
To propose a paper, please submit a title and a 250-word abstract of your paper and a short bio by October 8, 2024, using this Google Form
The papers will be grouped into 90-minute sessions, including 15 minutes of commentary from the audience. All accepted presenters will be notified by November 2023. There is no registration fee, but you will be prompted to register prior to the event.
The NCAIS Graduate Conference is a unique opportunity to present your work to and network with other students and faculty in the consortium. One student from each NCAIS member will be eligible for up to $700 of reimbursement toward their travel expenses (including hotel, flight, train, or driving/parking). If there is leftover travel funding available, it will be used to lessen the travel costs of other graduate students.
If you have any questions related to the conference or would like to receive announcements and updates about NCAIS programs through the NCAIS mailing list, please send an email request to McNickle Center Program Coordinator Sarah Jimenez at jimenezs@newberry.org