American Indian Studies prepares students in a range of methodologies, theories, technologies, and teaching approaches that compliments a thorough undergraduate education.
AIS courses engage a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, film, history, political science, and literary studies, among others. Students consider how these disciplines define cultures, knowledges, institutions, and peoples. Through this inquiry, students develop skills in critical thinking, analytical research, and writing.
Specifically, an undergraduate minor is designed to assist students in preparing for graduate school or for careers in a variety of pursuits including public and business administration, education, public relations, marketing, politics, and government, especially as they relate to American Indian and Native American constituencies.
Declaring a Minor
The student is responsible for notifying her/his college of the desire to pursue a minor by completing and appropriately filing the Statement of Intent to Pursue a Campus-Approved Minor. In the event of an Intercollegiate Transfer (ICT), the student is responsible for notifying her/his new college of intent to pursue a minor by providing the original or a photo copy of the Statement of Intent Form.
The Office of the Provost has more information about Pursuing an Undergraduate Minor
Certification of successful completion
American Indian Studies and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences will certify that a student has completed the program for the Minor. An AIS advisor will approve a student's course program and monitor the student's progress in meeting requirements. A plan of courses for the minor must be approved by AIS.
For further information about the minor, please contact:
John M. McKinn
Associate Director
Email: mckinn@illinois.edu