Spring 2022: Queer Indigenous Studies: This seminar will delve into the burgeoning field of queer Indigenous studies. Topics to be explored include the origins of queer Indigenous studies in 1980s Indigenous and women of color feminisms, the development and complexities of the term "Two-Spirit," queer Indigenous relationships to body and land, ongoing legacies of violence against queer Indigenous people, and reclamation of cultural and spiritual roles. The focus will be on queer Indigenous self-representations in the United States and Canada, especially of Black, Latinx, transgender, and disabled queer Indigenous experiences. Texts will include creative and scholarly works by Billy-Ray Belcourt, Joshua Whitehead, Alán Pelaez Lopez, Deborah Miranda, Jas Morgan, Tommy Pico, Jodi Byrd, Smokii Sumac, Marie Laing, and Kalaniopua Young.
AIS 490
2:00PM - 3:15PM
Professor Pyle